7 Snacks That Will Keep the Pep in Your Step and go good with your Blue Sky Stretch Scrubs
If you work in the medical industry, you know exactly how tiring your shifts can be, no matter what occurs during them. Being on your feet all the time is exhausting enough! You may find yourself snacking frequently to keep your energy up; this is a good thing! Let’s take a look at seven helpful snacks that will (hopefully) help keep you fueled and ready to go during those long, enduring shifts. Blue Sky Scrubs has 100% awesome stretch scrubs for medical professionals and outrageous surgical scrubs for men.
Peanut Butter & Banana
This is a delicious treat that can be prepared quickly before work. It even makes a great breakfast! Our mouths are watering just thinking about it…
Mixed Nuts or Trail Mix
Mixed nuts and trail mix are easy to keep with you on the go. Munch on these snacks during your shift and you’ll be going, going, gone!
Protein Shakes
Throw out that energy drink and grab a protein shake, instead! It’s healthier, and will keep your energy up!
Peanut Butter Crackers
We just love peanut butter, if you can’t tell! It’s the perfect spread to keep you going all shift long.
Beef Jerky and Cheese
You can find beef jerky and cheese packaged together. It’s a great source of protein, and can easily be stored in your locker!
Peanut Butter and Celery Sticks
If you’re looking to add a vegetable into the mix, celery sticks are a great option. Just make sure to slather them with peanut butter so you can get your boost of energy!
Cheese Blocks
Grab a ziploc bag and fill it with cheese blocks for your drive to work. They may not keep cold very long, so make them into a second, energizing breakfast!
Blue Sky Co. is happy to offer you tips on staying energized throughout your shift, as well as offer you the best scrubwear on the market! Visit our online store for a look at our technical stretch scrubs.