A Few Solutions For Messes And Stains On Your Scrubs
If you work in a similar hospital or other medical facility, we know your work days can be pretty hectic. You won't always be able to stop slip-ups and accidents from occurring. At some point or another while you’re working, you’re bound to end up with stains on your scrubs. At Blue Sky, we do our very best to help you look good at work, which also means giving you advice on how to combat stains on your scrubs. So today we’re going to talk about a few ways to keep your scrubs clean.
Hydrogen Peroxide
The quickest and easiest way to remove almost any stain from your scrubs is hydrogen peroxide. Usually accessible in a medical environment, hydrogen peroxide is very effective at dealing with a mess on your scrubs before it sets in and becomes a more permanent stain, especially if its blood. Just pour the peroxide on the stain, let it sit there for a while, and then rinse it off with some water. It works best if you use cool water. Once you do that, the stain should come right out!
Keep a Stain Stick On You
Another good idea is, when you’re going to work, keep a stain stick on you. You should be able to fit one in your pocket, ready to be used any time there's a spill on your scrubs. If you know you’re clumsy and prone to spills, you’ll be glad you had a stain stick on you.
Have a Backup Plan
This last bit of advice is useful if you’re dealing with a particularly big mess: bring a pair of backup scrubs to work! With backup scrubs on hand, you can immediately take off your stained scrubs and change into your backup, so that you can rinse your stained scrubs at work, and then put them in a back or a locker and give them a full wash once you get home.
We hope our advice has been helpful when it comes to keeping your scrubs stain-free. To check our our scrubs, lab coats or other items, or to read helpful blogs like this one, please visit the Blue Sky website.