How To Keep The Vibrant Colors In Your Scrubs
Nothing is more frustrating than having a perfect outfit that fades after its first time in the dryer. Unfortunately, this can happen with scrubs too. Here at Blue Sky Scrubs, we want you to look and feel your very best every day you go into work. So let’s talk about how you can keep those vibrant colors in your scrubs and avoid fading.
Effects Of Machine Drying
Unfortunately, as it is with many different kinds of clothing and material, the dryer isn’t the best for your scrubs. After just a few times in the dryer, your scrub top or scrub pants may fade in color and be damaged by the heat. Abrasion may also occur when clothes rub against each other in the dryer, breaking threads and fading colors even more. If you love the way your Blue Sky Scrubs look, you probably want to keep them looking that way. There’s got to be a better way to dry them than just a machine dryer. We also sell womens and mens scrub caps.
A Better Way To Dry Scrubs
Even though it may seem like a lot more work, line drying is very simple and easy once you get the hang of it. You’ve probably seen the process before; just hang a rope up in a secluded room somewhere, or outside in a backyard or on a balcony, and pin your clothes up on the rope to let the circulating air and sunlight do all the rest of the work! When you think about it, it really isn’t much work, and you’ll keep all your scrubs in great condition.
Blue Sky Scrubs
We always try to provide not only the best scrubs that you can find, but also the right information to help you take great care of your new scrubs. So once you bought your brand new, super comfy set of Blue Sky Scrubs, remember to line dry and not use the dryer!