Need To Carry Around More At Work? Try Blue Sky For More Pockets!

Need To Carry Around More At Work? Try Blue Sky For More Pockets!

When you’re a medical professional searching for the right scrubs to order online, you should have a lot of criteria. Your scrubs will be what you wear almost every day while you work, so you want to find maximum comfort and convenience. We try to provide that here at Blue Sky Co. by doing everything better than the competition. One thing that people often complain about with their scrubs is that they don’t have enough pocket space to carry everything around day to day. Here’s our solution to that:

Preston and Bradford Lab Coats

The 100% cotton Preston and Bradford Lab Coats are designed to fit you perfectly and make you look professional, but they also work great when you need extra pockets! They both have two large pockets that should be able to fit all of your essentials while you’re at work.

Layering For More Pockets

Still need more pockets? Or maybe you work in a particularly cold hospital, so you need something to keep you warm, but you still need more pockets too. Layering is an excellent way to solve this. If you put a jacket or vest over your scrub top, or a base layer with pockets under your scrub top, you’ll have extra layers with pockets to store whatever you need in them! You’ll be able to stay warm and cozy AND have all the pockets you need!

Cargo Scrubs

Have you tried the lab coats and layering, but you still have more that you need to carry around that just won’t fit? Well, we know there are some of you out there! For unique situations like yours, we’ve come up with the Cargo Scrubs! With a total of thirteen pockets, there’s no way you’ll be running out of pocket space any time soon! To check out the Cargo Scrubs now, just visit the Blue Sky Co. website.