Scrubs and Storage: Secrets from Professionals
When you shop for everyday clothes, it’s no secret that you probably make a mental (or physical) checklist about the kind of fabric you prefer, sizing, fit, color -- it goes on and on, right? Your work clothing should be no different! Especially when you work in such a demanding field as medical professionals. You’ve come to the right place; we’re the experts in our industry and have made that mental (and physical) checklist for our medical scrubs for you.
Finding the perfect pair of scrubs is surprisingly difficult! You want them to be affordable, but also durable- you’d prefer for them to last far beyond their initial wash! And you want them to represent your personal style...
So when you finally find that perfect pair, you wonder how, exactly, to make your scrubs last as long as possible. Here are a few tricks and tips to cleaning and storing your scrubs so that you don’t lose your favorite pair right when you fall in love with them.
Laundering Your Womens Scrubs
The most important tip to remember when laundering your scrubs is to read each label carefully. In most cases; dark colors should be washed in cooler water to enhance vibrant shades and patterns, while whites are best washed in hot water. But to be 100% sure, check the label. Drying, on the other hand, is universal. Most scrubs will last much longer if they’re hung up to dry because the heat is often tough on the materials when they’re tossed in the dryer.
Storage for Medical Mens Scrubs
So now that they’re kept clean, how do you store them?
Like most other clothes, storing them on hangers in the closet will work just fine -- especially if it’s a pair that you like to wear often. However, for some scrubs that don’t see the outside world very much, it may be better to store them in a clothing container. Something plastic, even a bag would work -- just to make sure that their material doesn’t lose any of its vibrancy or feel.
Don’t worry, though, there’s no need to fret if you happen to lose your favorite pair of Blue Sky medical scrubs! Instead, utilize these tips, and help your scrubs last longer, and look fabulous!