Surgical Green Stretch Scrubs
At Blue Sky Co., we’re so excited to introduce you to our new color: Surgical Green. It’s available now in our newest styles of medical wear! We know this color will suit you, you’ll really enjoy wearing it, and you’ll look great, too! But let’s dive into our Surgical Green color and see what it’s all about.
You Been Asking!
First of all, this particular color has been wanted for a long time. And believe us, we’ve heard your requests and we’re happy to appease them! We think scrubs look great in Surgical Green, and it’s a professional shade, too! And finally all of your favorite scrubs sport this color. It’s time to prepare your wardrobe for an upgrade, friends!
Surgical Green
Surgical Green itself is a cool, light shade of green that’s pleasing to the eyes and looks amazing on scrubwear. You can find this color in our Cargo scrubs, Logan scrubs, and our Petite Grey Label scrubs! And who knows what the future holds? Perhaps it’ll soon be available in our Classic Shelby and David scrubs, too!
Your Patients Will Love This Shade
We think your patients will love this color on your scrubewar. We know that sometimes, the color of our scrubs has an effect on patients’ comfort level (this is when patterned scrub caps become conversation starters)! Sport this color to work and see what kind of reaction you can get out of your patients and coworkers!
As always, Blue Sky Co. is here for you! We offer exceptional customer service and just want to meet all of your needs when it comes to scrubwear! So don’t be afraid to log online today and check us out at www.blueskyscrubs.com! We think you’ll like what you find there, and maybe you’ll even fall in love with surgical green scrubs. Happy exploring!