The Best Clothes to Wear Underneath Your Medical Scrubs
You’ve spent a lot of time shopping for just the right scrubs, but what about what you wear underneath? Whether you’re dressing for winter outside, or the freezing a/c inside, you’ll want some layering options for added comfort. And what about underwear?! We’ve put together a few ideas to help you figure out which items would work best for you.
This can get super basic, like our lightweight crew-neck long-sleeved T-shirt available in black or white. If you wear white scrubs to work, the clothes you wear underneath should also probably be white or a light color. But if you’d like to spice things up—and it falls within your workplace dress code—try wearing a long-sleeved tee in a bright, vibrant color that pairs well with your scrubs color.
A short-sleeved T-shirt works well as an extra layer without the added warmth of sleeves. It can add a hint of color along the hem and neckline of your scrub top, too, unless your dress code requires that your scrubs cover what you’re wearing underneath.
Consider how much movement your job demands. Wearing additional clothing under your scrubs might just make you overheat!
For the days that are a little colder, consider purchasing a vest or jacket that you can wear sometimes. That way, if you start to overheat, it’s quick and easy to take off the layers.
Finding the Perfect Clothes
No time to go shopping? We get that. That’s why we’re here -- visit our store online at www.blueskyscrubs.com and see what clothes you can find!
Everything from medical scrubs to those comfortable clothes you love underneath them. You can’t go wrong. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!