The Very Best of Our Scrub Caps for Men and Women
Here at Blue Sky Co., we want you to feel super comfortable at work and also look great doing it! That’s why we have tons of selections of scrub caps for both men and women to keep you both stylish and comfortable at the hospital or other medical facility you work in. Let’s take a closer look at our different styles of scrub caps so you can decide how you want to accessorize your outfit!
Men’s Scrub Caps
Let’s start off with men’s scrub caps. For men, we have one standard style that’s sure to be comfortable with any outfit. It’s super soft and consists of 65% polyester and 35% cotton. You can choose either solids or patterns for the look of your surgical cap. We have five different color options for solids and 37 different options of patterns, so we know you’ll be able to find exactly what you’re looking for!
Women's Scrub Caps
For women we have even more customizable options! We have four main categories of scrub caps, each with a multitude of designs to fit your favorite custom outfit. Try the Pixie Scrub Cap for a simple yet comfortable feel. The Pixie Scrub Cap collection has 129 different designs to choose from! Then there’s the Pony Scrub Cap, which has a longer design to allow for more of a ponytail look. This scrub cap has even more different designs to choose from than the Pixie, with a total of 158! Finally, we have the Poppy Scrub Cap, which gives even more room for hair. This scrub cap has 108 different designs to choose from.
With all of these great colors and designs of scrub caps to choose from, what are you waiting for? Visit the Blue Sky Co. website and find the right one for your outfit!