Tips for Making it Through Your Shifts

Tips for Making it Through Your Shifts

We’ve all been there: you’re at work, with hours ahead of you before you leave, and you’re not feeling up to par. Unfortunately we sometimes have to push through and finish our shift, especially in this industry! So let’s look at a few tips on making it through the shift- despite sickness, pain, and exhaustion! Why? Because we can do it.

Feeling Sick?

There’s nothing worse than working while you’re sick, but sometimes we have to “suck it up,” and make it through our shift anyway. If you’re feeling sick, load up on Vitamin C! It’ll help fight those nasties that are plaguing your body. Drink as many fluids as you can tolerate, and make sure you’re eating well. Rest on your breaks.

Feeling Sore?

Are you feeling pain in your back, feet, and legs? This pain can be caused by ill-fitting shoes, wearing the same shoes constantly, or being on your feet for too long. You may need new shoes, or to switch shoes mid-shift! Make sure your pairs of shoes have adequate support, comfortable soles, and excellent grip for turning corners and high speeds.

Feeling Fatigued?

We’re all tired, especially around this time of year. With the added stress of the holidays, we’re all starting to drag our feet a little bit. But fret no more! We recommend snacking frequently to keep your energy up. Snacks packed with protein are your best options (beef jerky, cheese and crackers, peanut butter, etc).

And finally… wear a pair of Blue Sky scrubs and you’ll feel so comfortable throughout your shifts! Feeling comfortable in your scrubs can go a long way. Ill-fitting scrubs are like ill-fitting shoes: there’s just no place for them in the workplace! Log online to our website today, and view our selection of cozy, breathable, luxuriously soft medical scrubs!