What Do You Need in a Nursing Shoe?
Could it be time to finally replace your nursing shoes? You know that with this profession, you’re on your feet so often that your shoes wear down more quickly. And you know what that you can do! It can cause pain in your back, legs, and knees. Let’s avoid that, and take a shopping trip instead! But before we leave, let’s take a look at these three factors to consider when purchasing new nursing shoes.
Imagine turning a corner a bit too fast and slipping, falling, injuring yourself over a cheaper pair of shoes! Don’t make that decision, friends. It’s worth the money to find a pair of nursing shoes with adequate, impressive grip. This should be one of your top priorities while you’re shopping!
Comfort and Style
Next, you’re going to want to actually enjoy wearing your new shoes, so make sure they’re your type of style and that you really like them! Try to find a pair of shoes that are bright and colorful, or maybe something a bit less conspicuous. No matter what your style may be, you’re bound to find a shoe that suits you!
Finally, support. What about it? Well you for sure need adequate support in your nursing shoes if you’re going to be on your feet so frequently! A good pair of shoes will have great support on all sides, not just on the bottom, and they’ll last you a long time. Maybe try out a pair of runner’s shoes?
We know that Blue Sky Co. doesn’t carry shoes, but we do care about the type you’re wearing, and we do offer excellent scrubwear to go with your new nursing shoes! So go ahead, log online today to view what we do have to offer: scrubwear and accessories that are comfortable, stylish, and durable. We offer the whole package!