Work in a Cold Hospital? Layer This Under Your Scrubs!
Hospitals and other medical facilities are often kept cold to help combat bacteria and viral growth. This is great for patients, but sometimes it means medical workers get cold while working, especially if you’re not dressed right for it. Sometimes your scrubs on their own just won’t be enough to keep you warm. Let’s talk about the Tyler Hooded Long Sleeve Tee from Blue Sky Scrubs, the perfect solution for layering under your scrubs for comfort and warmth.
Cozy fTee
As soon as you try on the Tyler Hooded Tee you’ll be blown away at just how cozy it is. It's made with 50% polyester, 37.5% cotton and 12.5% rayon, so it’s bound to keep you comfortable through any shift! Along with comfort, this undershirt is surprisingly durable and can handle all of the wear and tear that comes along with your job.
Moisture-wicking Fabrics
The fabrics that make up this cozy hooded tee are moisture-wicking and antimicrobial scrubs! That means you’ll stay sweat-free throughout your shift, workout, or just at home, and the antimicrobial properties will keep the Tyler Hooded Long Sleeve Tee clean and fresh.
Excellent For Layering
There’s no doubt about it, this long sleeve tee is a perfect base layer for any scrub outfit. You can even just wear the tee itself with a pair of scrub pants, either way, you’re sure to be comfortable and look great!
Great For Any Occasion
Finally, with the Tyler Hooded Long Sleeve Tee you’ll be able to stay warm and comfortable in something that’s perfect no matter where you are. Whether you’re wearing it under your scrubs, or out in the cold weather, or just wanting a cozy hoodie to wear at home, the Tyler is a great choice. To check it out for yourself, along with our entire collection of scrubs, base layers, lab coats and more, visit the Blue Sky Scrubs website. Check out our awesome scrusb blog.