The Perfect Uses for Retired Scrubs

The Perfect Uses for Retired Scrubs

We know it’s hard to say goodbye to  your scrubs. But it happens; they don’t last forever. And you can’t go into work wearing worn out, unprofessional-looking medical attire! But don’t fret. If you’re not ready to part with your scrubs just yet, we’ve got five great uses for retired scrubs! Enjoy wearing your scrubs out!

Cleaning House

Scrubs are great for wearing when you’re preparing to do a whole lot of house cleaning! You won’t have to worry about spilling harsh, staining chemicals onto your clothing, and it puts those comfortable, worn out scrubs to great use!

Bathing the Pets

If you want to avoid a huge, soapy, muddy mess, don a set of old scrubs while you’re bathing your pets. Both cats and dogs alike can be messy to bathe. But with the help of your old favorite scrubs, the process should go much easier!


Are you tired of those green stains on the knees and bottoms of your jeans from mowing the lawn, trimming the bushes, planting plants, etc? Scrubs are also great for this. And if yours are already worn out, they’ll be as comfortable as ever to move around in!


Instead of using an apron, why not cover your entire self while you’re cooking meals? Put on a pair of old, retired scrubs. It’ll save you the hassle of having to remove stains from spills and accidents! When you’re done, just toss them in the washer with the rest of your clothes!


Getting ready to repaint your home? It might be wise to wear a set of scrubs while you do it. It’s better to be safe rather than sorry, and protect your street clothes from the paint. So wear a set of worn out scrubs for these projects!

To view Blue Sky Co.’s amazing collection of scrubwear, simply log online today! There, you’ll find everything from medical scrubs, to outerwear, to scrub cap patterns galore!